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As any RC fan will know, the HPI Savage changed the game for RC, unleashing rugged Monster trucks - that beg to be jumped and wheelied - onto the scene. Over the years the power and strength have increased from the original Savage 21 back in 2002...and today we continue to bash harder and jump higher than ever before with the hotly anticipated Savage X 4.6 GT-6
Whilst most other RC brands have opted to play it safe with electric only, HPI still believes that real trucks have engines! The smoke, the noise - Nothing beats NITRO and that's why HPI continues to go all out for our Internal Combustion fans!
With a raft of NEW features including 17mm Aluminum Hex Hubs, all hex hardware, new bumpers, new body, wheels & tires, new Super HD Drivetrain (From the Savage FLUX), new Captured Hinge Pins, HD Servo Saver spring, 0.9mm Clutch Springs for boosted torque & acceleration and a new RF-50N Nitro Receiver. So whether you're a Savage rookie or an OG - You will not be dissapointed with the latest and greatest Big Block Nitro Savage!!
The Savage started the RC Bashing movement and 2 decades later, we're still here, stronger than ever and thrilled to blast back into the ring with the holy grail, the jewel in the crown... Ladies and gentlemen, the Savage is back!
A new Savage deserves a new set of brutally agressive HPI Havok 3.8" wheels, wrapped in yet another addition to the TREDZ "by HPI Racing" Tire rack. The Tredz Terrahex 3.8" Tires are designed tough, but for ultimate agility and handling at ground shaking speeds

From the new Super HD Drivetrain, to the Bulletproof 29/9T Differentials, to the new Rugged Bumpers, every inch of the Savage X 4.6 GT-6 is built to survive and dominate. With beefy suspension arms, ready to take the punishment of big-air drops while everything within is protected by the reinforced thick aluminum TVP (Twin Vertical Plate) chassis, emblazoned with the notorious 'X' emblem.
Not for the faint of heart!
Like all HPI trucks, the Savage X 4.6 GT-6 is easy to drive with the included steering wheel controller - but it should be handled with extreme caution! Hit the gas and the Big Block 4.6 engine roars into life and to the uninitiated things can get pretty crazy VERY quickly! Expect to get mud, rocks and dirt slung at you when you pull the trigger!
Once you get used to the power, you'll be able to rip off huge smokey stunts and initiate 2nd gear on speed runs safe in the knowledge that the new RF-50N Nitro Receiver features a Low Voltage Failsafe to keep your pride and joy safe in the event of a power cut
Four huge XL-size Big Bore shocks give all the suspension action you need to get out and blast through the roughest of tracks or off-road terrain. With slick nylon bodies they are lightweight and strong, with almost no friction 'stiction' between the shock piston and shock body. The extra-large capacity gives you extra control and damping action so you have the driving feel that makes off-road driving so much fun!
Continuing the Savage's reinforcements, we're using even more HD upgrades in the standard spec! This heavy-duty servo saver spring provides more direct steering for all the new Savage X Nitro and Flux models, allowing today's stronger steering servos to give the Savage faster and more immediate steering response.

After almost 2 decades of seriously thrilling RC bashing performance, the HPI Savage has earned a reputation for being the toughest monster truck you can find. The Savage suspension has evolved along the way as well. The New Savage X 4.6 GT-6 features the latest ultra-tough, super-thick webbed suspension arms and uprights that can take a barrage of abuse and punishment, giving you plenty of big-air thrills in their stride.
All this monstrous power takes some stopping, and to conrol this beast like a pro you'll need to dab the anchor in the turns or to scrub speed whilst flying through the air and hit the right combination of throttle and brake to set your pitch right for that perfect landing... These twin vented disk brakes are made from heat-resistant fiber material delivering shorter brake distances, reduced brake fade from heat build-up and overall better performance on the track!

It's not just about ballistic action, the new generation of Savages also have usability high on their agenda... Over the years Savage fans around the world have told us the hinge pins need to be secured in place so they don't come loose during extreme bashing, well our designers are always listening and have fitted the car with hinge pin covers to ensure they don't go anywhere, no matter how hard you bash
With a chunkier, more aggressive than ever look, the new front and rear bumpers also have space for both 5mm and 3mm LEDs so you can add your choice of lights and light up the track while you bash
Legendary Aluminum Twin Vertical plate chassis
The beefy metal plates that house all the good stuff under the hood are synonymous with the Savage family. The 2.5mm thick "TVP" as we call them - are unshakeably strong, yet lightweight and provide the ultimate backbone built to handle gigantic jumps, rough landings, rolls and full-speed crashes.
For the new generation of Savages we've introduced Standardized 17mm Aluminum Hex Hubs. This means your Savage truck is ready to use any of the gigantic range of 1/8th scale buggy and truggy wheels and tires available from HPI. A large, black, serrated 17mm nut holds the wheel securely to the hub for worry-free bashing duties.

Our best-ever generation of Savage upgrades are not just limited to performance, the brand new HPI designed GT-6 body also looks awesome with a new livery and plastic molded body detail parts including realistic grille, vents, mirrors and roll bars
Providing the engine with its vital air supply along with protection against dust and dirt. The design features two different foams for two-level protection. While the large air intake is right in the middle of the foam cylinder with two solid nylon plates at the top and bottom preventing damage inside the engine. The large dimensions of the filter element and air intake give optimal, constant air supply and maximum performance
The Savage X 4.6 GT-6 features the Savage 2-speed transmission to get the most out of the 4.6 Big Block engine. This gives you the best acceleration and top speed possible, getting all the power efficiently to the ground for maximum fun and enjoyment! The transmission is fully adjustable, too, so you can choose how early or late you shift into higher gear!
For the latest generation of the Nitro Savage X, HPI designers have specified that to exentuate the 4.6 Big Block power experience, the addition of 0.9mm Clutch Springs, bringing engagement at higher RPM for boosted torque, increased acceleration and reduced clutch wear
The massive F4.6 Big Block engine is designed for one thing and one thing only - huge amounts of horsepower! Nearly 3hp, in fact! Enough horsepower to get the Savage X 4.6 to speeds over 45mph (73kph)! And Big Block TORQUE is always on tap, just pull the throttle for instant thrills.
The F4.6 V2 features a new heatsink design with larger heatsink fins for improved cooling. The pullstart utilises a one-way bearing encased in a large 14mm hex for increased durability.
- NEW! Standardized 17mm Aluminum Hex Hubs
- NEW! Tredz Terrahex 3.8" Tires
- NEW! 3.8" Havok Wheels
- NEW! Pre-Cut Factory Finished And Decaled GT-6 Bodyshell
- NEW! Plastic molded body detail parts
- NEW! Rugged Modern Styled Bumpers
- NEW! Captured Hinge Pins
- NEW! All hex hardware
- NEW! Super HD Drivetrain - Standarized with Flux
- NEW! Shim behind Spur Gear to reduce wobble & wear
- NEW! 0.9mm Clutch Springs - Later engagement for more torque, acceleration & reduced clutch wear
- NEW! RF-50N Nitro Receiver (with Low Voltage Failsafe)
- 4WD Shaft Driven Monster Truck
- Independent Double Wishbone Suspension
- Oil Filled Adjustable Coilover Shocks
- Bulletproof 29/9T Differentials
- Nitro Star F4.6 V2 Engine With Pullstart
- 2 Speed Transmission
#160100 Savage X 4.6 GT-6
1/8th 4WD Nitro Monster Truck
Length: 534mm
Width: 445mm
Height: 255mm
Wheelbase: 336.5mm
What you need:
4 AA batteries for transmitter:
HPI Recommends #101939 Plazma AA batteries
5-Cell NiMH Hump Receiver Battery:
HPI Recommends #160153 Plazma 6.0V 1600mAh NiMH Receiver Battery Pack
Glow Igniter & Fuel Bottle:
HPI Recommends #160077 Nitro Starter Pack
20-25% Nitro Fuel
Battery charger for receiver battery