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Osoba odpowiedzialna w UE
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Spedix GS40F 40A BLheli_32 3-6S 4 in 1 DShot1200 ESC
Wymiary 41x31,5x10mm
Rozstaw otworów montażowych 20mm
Masa : 14g
Zasilanie : 3s do 6s Lipo
1. Innovative double deck design enables the implementation of full-size 5*6 MOSFET on 20*20mm mini 4IN1 ESC.
2. 40V MOSFET improves the overall reliability in fast response to throttle signals,making the 6 cell input capable in the real world
3. GD32F3 MCU provides highest responsiveness in the market.
4. Extremely small size makes mounting on smaller frames easier than ever.
2. 40V MOSFET improves the overall reliability in fast response to throttle signals,making the 6 cell input capable in the real world
3. GD32F3 MCU provides highest responsiveness in the market.
4. Extremely small size makes mounting on smaller frames easier than ever.
GS40F 4IN1 MINI is an extremely reliable 20*20mm mount 6S 4IN1 ESC. Limited by the smaller size of 20*20mm ESC, Engineers have always been using 3mm mini MOSFET used on 20*20mm ESCs.
This compromise made these ESCs vulnerable to the ever-growing demand of heat sinking capabilities and current/voltage tolerance of the FPV market. With our innovative design, by separating the control board and the power board, we successfully implemented full-size 5*6mm MOSFET onto this 20*20mm ESC.
By combining reliable hardware with the fastest GD32F3 MCU in the market, We are able to present you with a high performance mini 20*20mm ESC of extreme reliability and responsiveness.
This compromise made these ESCs vulnerable to the ever-growing demand of heat sinking capabilities and current/voltage tolerance of the FPV market. With our innovative design, by separating the control board and the power board, we successfully implemented full-size 5*6mm MOSFET onto this 20*20mm ESC.
By combining reliable hardware with the fastest GD32F3 MCU in the market, We are able to present you with a high performance mini 20*20mm ESC of extreme reliability and responsiveness.
Regulator obrotów EMAX Multirotor 4 x 30A
Regulator 4IN1 ESC T-Motor F45A II
Regulator 4IN1 T-Motor Velox V50A
Matek AP_Periph GNSS M10-L4-3100
Regulator 4w1 SpeedyBee 50A Blheli_32